Who can use this feature?
Step 1: Sign in to your PLMBR account.
Step 2: Slide out your side menu by clicking the icon on your screen's top-left corner. Under accounts & settings click on Subscription & Upgrade.
Step 3: You will be directed to your subscription page where it will show you the plan you are currently subscribed to.
To change your subscription:
- Select a plan you'd like to switch to.
- Select the total number of users you would like to have in your organization
- Choose to pay monthly or yearly
- You can see the total amount for your subscription
- Click on Subscribe button to continue with the subscription that you have selected.
Step 4: Click on Proceed to confirm your selection.
Step 5: A new page will open up.
- Is the details of your upgraded subscription plan
- Enter shipping information
- Enter card details to make the payment
Click on Subscribe button and it's done!