How to use the quantity breakdown template

  • Updated


Who can use this feature?
 PLM premium and PLM professional

1. How the quantity breakdown template works

You can use our quantity breakdown template to enter and calculate the total order quantity in your color combos in each size.


quantity breakdown template.png

An example of a quantity breakdown template


This template extracts the names of your Color Combos from the Material Section and the sizes from the Measurement section and lists them all in this table along with formula presets to calculate the color-wise and overall total quantity.

This helps manufacturers in calculating the costs earlier, check whether it meets the minimum order quantity (MOQ), plan the markers before-hand.

Whereas this helps brands in keeping all the information at one place, maintain the data efficiently, easy sharing with manufacturers and having more transparency.



2. How to add a quantity breakdown table


Make sure to add Color Combos in your Material Cards and sizes in your Measurement Cards before creating a Quantity Breakdown table. Here's our chapter on how to add cards.


Step 1: In your Cards Board, list all your color combos inside  Materials section and sizes inside the  Measurement section Don’t forget to name them.

Step 2: Click on c.png New section at the bottom of your Cards Board.




Step 3: A windows will appear featuring different custom section types. Select Quantity Breakdown and click + ADD at the bottom of the dialogue.



Step 4: A dialogue window will appear to rename this new section. Type in your new section name here  and click Done  




Step 5: Once you update the section name, this Excel-like quantity breakdown table will appear on your cards board. The names of your Color Combos are automatically listed in the  Color Combos column.  

QB-3.jpg Quantity Breakdown table example without an image 


Enter your  Size quantities. The Total  will be automatically calculated for you.


The default formula in place is Sum of all the quantities in colors = Total


Step 6: All quantity breakdown information is enclosed within a card in this custom section. You can simply name the card (as shown below) or can open the card settings dialogue by clicking the Vector.png gear icon to provide details like the card name, description, an image, keywords, or to even add annotations and comments.




Discover how to use custom section for other purposes including:




3. How to customize the table

You can customize your costing table by clicking on this Vector1.png icon located on the top right corner of the table.



A table menu will slide down where you can -







4. How to archive, delete or rearrange the section

Click on this option icon located next to your custom section name. 


A table menu will slide down where you can -






5. How to preview your quantity breakdown in the PDF

You can preview your quantity breakdown inside your Techpack PDF by clicking on the Screen_Shot_2019-01-11_at_7.22.08_PM.png on the top navigation menu. Select the quantity breakdown and wait for a couple of seconds for the PDF to render again with the section/s.








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