Who can use this feature? PLM premium and PLM professional
1. How the QA size set template works
You can use our size set template to make your quality analysis/Control (QA/QC) table and add the QA/QC measurements directly on PLMBR in the same product/tech pack.
It contains all sizes, POM (which will automatically copy from your measurement table ) and will provide space for you to enter the QA/QC measurements.
An example of a QA Size Set Table template
When you use size set template it automatically extracts the following information from your measurements table:
Names of your point of measurement cards
Your upper tolerance limits TOL(+) and your lower tolerance limits TOL(-)
Your entire size-range with their measurements
You then simply enter your QA/QC measurements under the fit column and the table will auto-calculate and highlight differences based on your sample size and your tolerance range in
- The default formula in place is new QA/QC measurements - original size measurements = DIFF
- If the difference between your QA?QC measurement and your original size fall outside of your tolerance range, the cell will turn RED.
2. How to add a size set table
Before creating a sample fit section -
☑Make sure to add some point of measurements cards in your measurements table.
☑In your Measurements table, make sure to add values in both TOL(+) & TOL(-) columns. IMPORTANT: Values in TOL(-) should be preceded by the minus symbol (-) like -1 -1/2 etc.
Step 1: In your cards board, list all your point of measurements in your measurements section.
Step 2: Click on new section at the bottom of your cards board.
Step 3: A windows will appear featuring different custom section types. Select QA size set and click
+ ADD at the bottom of the dialogue.
Step 4: A dialogue window will appear to rename this new section. Type in your new section name here and click
Once you update the above information, click out of the dialogue and that's it! Your QA Size Set table will be available on your cards board
QA Size Set table example without an image
Enter your QA measurements under FIT for each of the sizes. The Diff will be automatically calculated for you.
Discover how to use custom section for other purposes including:
- Adding sample fit template
- Add a table extension
- Add a full custom section
- Adding costing template
- Adding Quantity Breakdown Table
Step 5: All table information is enclosed within a card in this custom section. You can simply name the card (as shown below) or can open the card settings dialogue by clicking the gear icon to provide details like the card name, description, an image, keywords, or to even add annotations and comments.
3. How to customize the table
You can customize your QA size set table by clicking on this icon located on the top right corner of the table.
A table menu will slide down where you can -
4. How to rename, archive, delete or rearrange the section
Click on this option icon located next to your custom section name.
A table menu will slide down where you can select from any of the mentioned action-
5. How to preview your QA size set table in the PDF
You can preview your QA size set table inside your Techpack PDF by clicking on the on the top navigation menu. Select the QA size set section and wait for a couple of seconds for the PDF to render again with the section/s.