1. How to search for a card
Our global search feature is the most efficient way to search for a card.
Simply type in the name of your card as a keyword in this search box as shown below. PLMBR will list down all the cards(s) with similar names/keywords. Simply click to navigate to a card.
2. How to filter a card in a techpack
You can locate cards in a particular techpack using the filter icon located on the top navigation bar.
There are two ways to filter your techpack cards -
2a. Filter by card name
Step 1: Click on the filter icon located on the top navigation bar.
Step 2: In the search bar simply type in the card name. You will get the required card prompt.
2b. Filter by card keywords
Make sure you have added keywords in the card. Learn about how to add keywords in a card ➔
Click on the same filter icon located on the top navigation bar as shown above in point 1a.
All existing keywords associated with your techpack cards will be listed at the bottom of your filter window. Simply select your keyword/s and PLMBR will automatically filter the associated cards for you.
Currently this filter by keywords option is only available for sketches, materials, and measurement cards. Your custom section cards will not be visible.
3. How to rearrange cards in a techpack
There are two ways to rearrange your techpack cards -
3a. Rearrange cards by the sort icon
Step 1: Click on this sort icon located on the top navigation bar of each techpack section - Sketches, Materials, and Measurements.
Step 2: These sort options will drop-down
Select an option to sort your cards: Sort your cards alphabetically from the letter A to Z,
Sort your cards alphabetically from the letter Z to A
Most recently added card first, and
Most recently added card at the last
3b. Rearrange cards manually
You can manually rearrange cards in each section by grabbing a card from this icon and drag-drop them in any order you prefer.
Currently sorting cards function is only available in default techpack sections i.e. sketches, materials, and measurements.