Loading issues

  • Updated

1. Check your browser

Here's a list of recommended steps you can follow to fix the issue-

✔ Sign out from your Techpacker account and sign in again. 

✔ In case you are not using Google Chrome, we highly recommend downloading it for best Techpacker experience.

And if you are already using Google Chrome, make sure it is up to date. You can check the version of your browser here.

 If your Google Chrome is up to date, give the browser a hard refresh by holding on to Command+R keys (mac users) OR Control+F5 keys (Windows users).

 Close your browser and open it again (make sure that you have closed all the tabs)

✔ If the page still doesn't load after following all above steps, report an issue here.




2. Check your cache and cookies

As a cloud-based application, we continue to update our technology for a better user experience. New updates are pushed automatically so users don't have to do anything. However, in some instances, your browser could still be running on the outdated version of Techpacker causing issues with loading the libraries.

That's when clearing your browser's cache and cookies comes in handy. Here's how it works -

In Chrome browser - 

Step 1.  Click on this lock icon located next to the URL field of your browser




Step 2. Select this Cookies option 




Step 3. Find Techpacker domain, open the folder, and select Cookies again. Click Remove. 



Step 5: That's it! Click done and refresh your Techpacker page. Your libraries should load now.

If the issue persists, report the issue here.



3. Check your Adblocker settings

Go to your ad blocker settings and add https://angora.techpacker.com/app2/#/sign-in to the exception list.

Below are the simple steps on how to do it.


Step 1.  open the webpage  https://angora.techpacker.com/app2/#/sign-in and click on this  chrome-extension-icon.png icon located at the top right corner of your screen.



Step 2.  From the drop-down menu, you will see a red color icon for adblocker. Click on this mceclip0.png icon against the Adblocker extension.



Step 3.  From the list choose by clicking the option Pause on this site.



You will see the red color icon turns green as shown in the image below. It means you have successfully added the Techpacker URL to the exception list of the Adblocker.


You may also check your antivirus settings and add https://angora.techpacker.com/app2/#/sign-in to the exception list.

If the issue persists, report the issue here.


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