1. How to add text to a sketch?
Labeling a sketch basically means adding specific details on top of the image by using the text icon.
With this feature, you can label the sketch by adding text on top of the image in different fonts and colors. So when you include these sketches in your tech pack, the manufacturers can understand your exact design requirements.
Here's how to label any sketch:
Step 1: Upload an image inside the Image & Annotations Tab of your card.
Step 2: Click on this icon on your image, and switch to the text
mode as shown in the gif below. Once you switch to the text mode, the icon will turn
Step 3: Position and click your cursor anywhere on the sketch. A text box will appear. Start typing in.
2. How to format the text
2a. Select font type:
Step 1: To change the font type of the text, click on the label that you want to edit and click on this icon located in the top right corner of the textbox.
Step 2: Choose the font type from the default list as shown in the gif below.
2b. Select font color
Step 1: To change the font color of the text, click on the label that you want to edit and click on this icon located in the top right corner of the textbox.
Step 2: Choose the font color from the default set of colors as shown in the gif below.
2c. Re-size the text
Step 1: To change the size of the text, click on the label that you want to edit. Click on the highlighted corner of the text box as shown below.
Step 2: Press the command key and drag in and out to scale the text.
You may also choose to drag and drop the text to a new destination too as shown in the gif below.
3. How to delete text
Step 1: Click on the label that you want to delete and click on this icon right next to the label.
Step 2: Click on Delete Text from the drop-down that appears.
4. How to preview on PDF
Step 1: To preview how your labeled images will look inside a techpack PDF, click on the DOC VIEW/ TECH PACK button located on the top navigation bar.
Step 2: Scroll down the PDF document where the card appears.
Make sure that the cards that you want to view in the pdf are selected in the checkboxes in the pdf display options. To learn more click on this.