Who can use this feature?
PLM premium and PLM professional
Admins and Supervisors
1. What is a line sheet?
A line sheet is a document commonly used by fashion brands that have product shots or fashion flat sketches of the entire product range for the season along with other key details arranged in an organized manner. Line sheets must include all relevant information about each garment in your collection like product names, descriptions, materials, sizes, color range, wholesale price, retail price, delivery date, etc, that provide additional information about the product.
2. How to generate a line sheet
Step 1: Click on the menu icon located in the top left corner of your account.
Step 2: Click on this REPORTS option from the dropdown menu.
Step 3: Click on + add report in the top navigation bar to generate a new report.
Step 4: Go to add reports and type the name of the report. Next, under the type of report field select the line sheet from the dropdown options.
Step 5: In this object selection field you are going to filter the techpacks/ products you wish to include in this report.
Filters the techpacks you wish to include in your reports using these filters: techpack, folder, and keyword.
Techpack- The report will be generated with the selected techpacks.
Folder- The report will contain all the techpacks in your selected folder.
Keyword- The report will contain all the techpacks with your provided keywords.
Type in your search query here to look for a particular object e.g. type in your folder name if you selected Folder as your search filter.
Please enter at least 4 characters in the object name or otherwise the filter would not be activated.
Step 6: Click on filter and the list of all the techpacks under that object will appear.
Step 7: Click on add to add that techpack in the report. You can also select Add all to report to include the whole list.
Step 8: Click on generate report to generate line sheet report.
Reports are not live documents. Please regenerate a report whenever you add new products or update existing ones.
The line sheet report for the selected techpacks will be generated as shown below.
3. How to add custom fields in a line sheet
By default, your line sheets will automatically extract the Product image, name, description, size-range, color-combos, Tags, and product stage from the tech pack.
However, you can easily add your own custom fields through your organization settings.
Here's how you can do it:
Step 1: Slide out your side menu by clicking icon located on the top-left corner of your screen. Then click on Account & settings option.
Step 2: Click on this organization settings option from the menu.
All your organization settings will be listed as shown below.
Step 3: Click on this Techpack Custom Fields tab located on the top navigation bar of this page.
Step 4: Type-in custom field here.
Step 5: Click on the add button to confirm your techpack custom fields.
You can also delete these custom fields by clicking on this delete button as shown below.
4. How to re-arrange data fields
You can also customize your report by adding or removing certain data fields from this manage columns icon located at the top-right corner of your report.
From this manage column option simply use this check boxes to add/remove certain data sets from your report as per your requirement.
The gif below shows how to customize your data fields.
5. How to sort products on a line sheet
You can also sort products of your line sheet. Click on this sort icon located at the top-right corner of your report and select from our default sort options.
6. How to set line sheet layouts
You can also select the layout of your line sheet Click on this icon located at the top-right corner of your report and choose from our default layouts listed in the drop-down menu.
7. How to print a line sheet
You can print a line sheet by clicking on this print icon located in the top right corner of the report.
A window will pop up, click on save button to save a PDF copy of your lines sheet on your system.