How to download a file attachment

  • Updated


You may download the attachment right through your account. 

Here's how it works-  


Step 1: Sign in to your PLMBR account using your credentials.




Step 2: You will be directed to the Home page of your account. Here you will find dedicated folders of all your clients who have shared their tech packs with you. Simply click open a client's folder to view their shared tech packs.




Step 3: Click open the techpack.




Step 4: Choose the version of the techpack shared with you that has got the attachment.




Step 5: A PDF of the version will upload on the right side of the screen. Scroll down at the bottom of your PDF on the last page. You will see a link highlighted in blue as shown below. Click on the link to download the attached file(s).




The link expires in 7 days.
If you are not able to see the file attached it means the client has not included any attachment in the techpack. To get them to include the files in the techpack shared, the client needs to enable it from the doc view.



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