Step 4: Add members in your organization

  • Updated

PLMBR is a collaborative platform where you can invite your organization members to create and manage your design tech packs in one place.


1. How to add people to your organization

Who can use this feature?
account-multiple.png Admins and Supervisors

To start adding members to your account:

  • image1.png Click on this account-multiple.png icon located in your Home page as shown below.
  • image2.png Enter the email address of your organization's member here and click the Add Team-member button.
  • This will send out an invitation email with a link to set-up their own user account with a username and password.
  • image8.png As soon as your organization member is set-up and the account is approved, this indicator will change to green from red.


How to add members in your organization.gif




2. How to remove people from your organization

Who can use this feature?
account-multiple.png Admins and Supervisors


To remove someone from the organization: 

  • Click on the manage organization member icon account-multiple.png as shown above. 
  • Click on this deleteicon.png icon located next to the team-member you wish to remove to instantly disable the account.





3. How to assign roles to members in your organization

Who can use this feature?
account-multiple.png Admins and Supervisors

There are 3 types of roles on PLMBR, administrators, supervisors and users.

There is only one admin who sets up the organization account. However, there can be multiple supervisors and users, and their functional permissions vary based on their roles. A few of them are listed at the bottom of this page.

 To assign the role of a supervisor or a user: 

  • Click on the manage organization member area account-multiple.png on your Home page as shown above.
  • The default setting assigns all members as users. To assign a Supervisor role to a user use this switch as shown below.



Here is a list of roles and permissions: 


User Permissions




Organization settings

 Change organization name, password, and   other info


 Remove people from the organization

 Change roles in the organization

 Add people to the organization

Folder settings

 View all folders

 Delete folders

 Remove people from folders

 Move team techpacks/products to the personal   folder

 Add new folders

 Copy Folders

 Add people to folders

 Move techpacks/products to the organization folder

Techpack/Product settings
 Add/edit stages


 Archive techpacks/products

 Assign stage

 Remove stage

 Edit Time tracking

Export settings
 Export techpacks/products in .CSV format

 Download techpack/product as Excel file

Library settings
 Access/Create libraries


 Delete libraries

Other functions
 Subscription changes

 Create and access reports

 Add manufacturers


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