How to cancel the subscription, delete or restore account

  • Updated

Interested in canceling your subscription? You have these few options -

    • Pause your subscription - PLMBR gives you the flexibility to pause your subscription and resume whenever you want to. When your membership resumes, it will be extended by the number of calendar days for which your membership was paused.
    • Cancel your subscription - You cannot access your account. However, all the information (including techpacks, teams, & conversations) is saved with us for 28 days. You can retain your login rights by resubscribing.
    • Delete your Account - All login rights and content (including techpacks, teams, & conversations) will be deleted right away.
    • Restore your account - If you have canceled the subscription for some time, you can renew the subscription and retain your login rights. You will also have access to all your old data saved with us.

Who can use this feature?
account-multiple.png Admins



1. Pause your subscription

You have the flexibility to pause and resume your subscription at any time. Our billings are pro-rated which means your unused calendar days of that billing period will be automatically applied to your account when you resume your subscription again.


To pause your subscription please open a ticket with us and someone from our support team will reach out to you directly to further assist you on this request.



2. Cancel your subscription

You have the flexibility to cancel your PLMBR subscription anytime, which automatically deactivates your account after the current billing cycle. Your data is saved for 28 days post-deactivation, allowing you to restore your account if needed. However, after this period, all account data is permanently deleted and cannot be recovered.


Follow the below steps to stop your subscription renewal.

Step 1: Sign in to PLMBR.


Step 2:  Slide out your side menu by clicking the icon on your screen's top-left corner.  Under accounts & settings click on Alphabet-c__1_.png payment method.  



Step 3:  It will direct you to the payments page. Click the Cancel plan button.  



Step 4:  Click the Cancel plan button and confirm. 




Step 5: You will be prompted to choose the reasons for cancellation from the list and share your feedback in the comment box. Click submit and it's done!





What happens after I cancel?  



The account will be deactivated at the end of your billing cycle. You will continue to have access to your account until then.



If you were subscribed to a monthly or yearly plan, you will be charged until the end of the subscription cycle. So for e.g., if you unsubscribe on April 11th, the subscription amount for that month of April is not refundable. Unfortunately, we can't offer refunds at this time due to the amount of administrative work involved. See “Payment and Renewal” in terms of service.



Techpacks & Data: 

All techpacks & data will be locked. We suggest before deactivating you should delete all your techpacks and clear all your data. If you are subscribed to our PROFESSIONAL OR PREMIUM plans, you can also export all information in Excel CSV format before unsubscribing. 





3. Delete your account

Make sure you have canceled your subscription first.


If you choose to delete your account, your entire account data including your login details will be erased from our servers and cannot be recovered. This means you cannot reaccess your account. 


Follow the below steps to delete your subscription - 


Step 1: Sign in to PLMBR.


Step 2: If your subscription is canceled or your free trial is over, as you sing-in you'll be directed to Subscription & Upgrade page. In that case, skip to Step 3 below. 

But if your account is still active, Slideout your side menu by clicking  icon located on the top-left corner of your screen.  Under accounts & settings click on Alphabet-c__1_.png subscription & upgrade option.  




Step 2: Click on the Delete account option.



Step 3: A feedback form pops up asking for the reason you are deleting your account. Your feedback is very important and helpful for us to identify the issues and improve the product.

 Tick box/ boxes under mceclip4.png and click on mceclip5.png to Submit.



Step 4: At last, to finalize your account deletion, manually type in DELETE in this mceclip6.png  given blank place and click on Alphabet-d.png Delete my account to confirm.



PLMBR will delete all your user information and account details right away.




4. Restore your account

You can also restore your account on PLMBR if you cancel your subscription. If you deleted your account, this option is NOT available. In that case, you have to create a new account.


Follow the below steps to renew your subscription - 


Step 1: Sign in to PLMBR.


Step 2: You will be directly sent to the subscription. Click the Restore plan button as shown in the image below.




Step 3:  A new window will pop up. Click the Proceed button to confirm your plan selection.




Step 4:  It will direct you to the payments page.

 mceclip4.png  are the plan details  mceclip5.png fill in the address detail here and  mceclip6.png fill in the card details here. Click subscribe button and it's done.








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