How to use custom sections

  • Updated


1. What are the custom sections?

All techpacks/products on PLMBR are divided between three main  default sections  i.e. sketches, materials and measurements,.. and  custom sections

Custom sections are additional section/s you can add in your techpacks/products to add/manage other type of information that is not covered in the default section like -

  • Fit or QA(quality assurance) information
  • Print details
  • Stitch details
  • Costing
  • Cut sheet
  • Packaging details
  • Quantity breakdown and more.. 






2. How to add a custom section?


There are two ways of creating the custom section:


2a. Use templates and add the custom section

There are few templates like costing, fit, QA size set, quantity breakdown available to add the custom section directly by selecting them. 


Step 1: Add a new section by clicking anywhere on the Combined_Shape.png new section bar


adding custom section.png


Step 2: A dialogue will open where you can select between these different custom section templates. 


Select your template and click + ADD.


Step 3: A window will pop-up to rename the section. Provide a section name  here and  click done.





Step 4: Your new section will be added. Like default sections, your custom section too is divided between cards.

You can rename your first card and then click on the gear icon next to it to further add card details like images, keywords, comments and files name etc..




2b. Add a full custom section from scratch


There are two ways of creating a custom section from scratch:



2b.1. Use full custom section 


Step 1: Click on new section and the new window opens up

Step 2: Click on mceclip4.png full custom from the new window that opens. 

Step 3: Click on mceclip1.png + ADD button.




Step 4: A window will pop-up to rename the section. Provide a section name  here and  click done.




A complete new table will be added which you can edit and customize as per your requirement. 





2b.2. Use from csv


Step 1: Click on new section and the new window opens up

Step 2: Click on mceclip4.png from csv from the new window that opens. 

Step 3: Click on mceclip1.png CHOOSE FILE button.



Step 4: Select the file that you want to import and click on open.




Step 5: A window will pop-up to rename the section. Provide a section name  here and  click done.




Your new section will be added with all the details in the csv.






3. How to add data in your custom section

There are two ways of creating the custom section:


3a. Add data manually

To add a new card, click on the +CARD on top-right of the section.

To add a new column, click on the +COLUMN on top-right of the section.

Alphabet-c.png To add a sub-row in a card click on the + icon located next to the card.



3b. Add by copy and paste


Make sure to add at least one card in the selected custom section. Learn how to add custom section here.


Data can be directly copied and pasted from Excel to Techpack/Product in any custom sections including costing, fit, quantity breakdown, full custom section, etc.

Copy the data from Excel and paste in the matching cell of your techpack/product section on PLMBR. 






4. How to format a custom section?

You can customize your custom section table ( rows and columns ) as per your requirements with the given options:


Step 1 : mceclip4.png Select any one cell of the row or column you want to edit.

Step 2: Click on mceclip5.png Vector1.png icon located on the right of the custom section heading




Step 3: A table menu will slide down where you can -


mceclip4.png Add color to the cell or text

mceclip5.png Align the text - left, right, or center

Alphabet-c.png Format of the text in the cells - text, number, or decimal

Alphabet-d.png Conditional formating like the comparison of the values - lesser than, greater than or equal to.

E.png Insert row or column

mceclip6-01.png Use formulas for calculations using the rows and columns 

Alphabet_G-01.png Export to CSV 

Alphabet_H-01.png Rename your columns




How to make calculations in the Custom section?

Your custom sections can also perform many calculations for you, just like an Excel spreadsheet. 

For demonstration purposes, here's a quick example of how to calculate fabric consumption total of different sizes in a custom section:


Step 1: Identify a particular cell for your calculations. For example, in the image below to the cell value for Main fabric consumption for size Small will be B1. The Column (A, B, C, D, etc) and the row (1,2,3,4, etc).



Step 2: Now, if you want to add the total fabric consumption for size S, you will type =, followed by the cell value B1 (for main fabric), the calculation icon (sum (+), subtract (-), divide (/) etc.),  and cell value B2 (for lining).

The formula will be =B1+B2 to get the total consumption.



Here's a gif to explain further:



Similarly, if you want to subtract the values, you will type =B1-B2 and press enter. And to multiply values by typing =B1*B2 and divide it will be =B1/B2


You can also add the column values, for example, if you want to add the main fabric consumption of all three sizes, you will use the formula =B1+C1+D1(enter).




How to export a Custom section as an Excel csv file?

You can export your custom sections as an CSV file too.

Here are a few simple steps to do so:

Step 1: Click on any cell in your custom table section. This Vector1.png icon will get highlighted on the top right side of the custom sectioncell-click.jpg


Step 2: A drop-down menu will slide down.  Select Alphabet_G-01.png export to CSV and that particular section will be downloaded to your cmputer, as shown in the gif below.





5. How to preview annotations in custom sections?


You can preview all the annotations in the card images in your custom section at a single place right above the custom section table.




This option will only be available if you have images in the custom section cards.


Click on show annotations Screenshot_2021-05-27_at_8.16.18_PM-01.png icon located at the right of the custom section name. 




You will see all the card's images along with the annotations just above the cards. 




6. How to copy a custom section?

You can copy the entire custom section to any techpack/product as many times as you want. This will save your time as you can use one template multiple times by just copying it. 


Step 1: Click on the download__1_.pngicon, located at the right of the sections's name of the section which you want to copy. 




Step 2: A table menu will slide down where you can -

Select copy section to another techpack/product from the menu. 


copy section to another techpack.png


Step 3: Select the mceclip4.png folder from the new window that appears and then select the mceclip5.png techpack/product where you want to copy the section. 




The whole section gets copied to the selected techpack/product with the message your section has been copied to the techpack/product techpack's/product's name






7. How to reorder a custom section?


Step 1: Click on thisdownload__1_.pngicon located next to the section name you want to reorder. 



Step 2: A table menu will slide down. Here you can choose to move the section up or down

move the section up or down.png


You can only reorder custom section, default sections have fixed order(sketches, materials, and measurements).




8. How to archive a custom section?

You can archive and restore your custom section at any point in your techpack/product

8a. How to archive a custom section

It's recommended to ARCHIVE a section instead of DELETING it, to have the flexibility to restore them at any stage of your techpack/product development.


To archive your custom section, click on this option icon next to your custom section name.



Then click on this Archive section option in the drop-down menu.



The selected section should be achieved instantly. 

You can always restore this section back when needed by following the steps below.



8b. How to restore an archived custom section

To restore your archived section, here are some easy steps.


Step 1: click on the option menu located on the top navigation bar.



 Step 2: Click on the show archived option in the drop down menu.

see archived sections.png


You will see the archived section visible as shown below.



Step 3: Click on the options icon next to the custom section name. 



Select the Unarchive section option from the drop-down menu.

Unarchive section.png



Step 4: To make sure your section has been restored on your techpack/product, click again on this option menu located on the top navigation bar of the techpack/product. 



Click on the show active option.



You will see your custom section will reflect back on your techpack/product as in the image below. 



9. How to print a custom section?

To print your custom section/s in your techpack PDF, navigate to the doc view page/tech pack. From the document settings make sure the section/s are selected. If not, check the missing custom section/s and wait for a couple of seconds for your new rendered PDF with the additional info.






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