How to add or delete libraries

  • Updated

Who can use this feature?
PLM premium and PLM professional

1. What is a library

Library is a repository to store your techpack/product cards along with their associated images, annotations comments, and keywords. You and your team members can import cards from your card library directly to your techpack/product and vice-versa. At any time you can With each card, you can also import its associated description, image, annotations, comments, attachments, and keywords.


Click here to learn in-depth about how to use your newly added libraries. There are four types of libraries on PLMBR:

sketches.png Sketch library
materials.png Materials library 
measurements_.png Measurements library 

custom.png Custom section library 




2. How to access libraries

There are two ways to access the card library:


2a. Access the libraries from the side menu:

Step 1: Alphabet-a.png Click this menu.png icon located on the top-left of your screen to slide open the options menu.

Step 2: Alphabet-b.png Choose the LIBRARIES option. 




Step 3: This is your library page. Here you can see the library folders you have access to along with the team members in your organization.

Click on any folder to view the list of libraries inside them.




Step 4: Select a library you want to access.



When previewing a selected library, you can perform multiple actions, learn more about these here.


2b. To access the card library from the Library Shortcut:

Step 1: Inside any of your techpack/product workspace, click on the icon Vector__Stroke___1_.png located on the top navigation bar.

Step 2: Click on this Path_2.png drop-down icon to select a library you wish to view.

2b. To access the card library from the Library Shortcut (1).gif




3. How to add libraries

There are four types of libraries on PLMBR:

sketches.png Sketch library
materials.png Materials library 
measurements_.png Measurements library 

custom.png Custom section library 


Here are the steps on how to add a library:


Step 1: Group 1.png Click on this menu.png icon located on the top-left of your screen to open the main menu.

Step 2: Group 2.png Choose the libraries option. 


Step 3: When inside the library page, you can either select Group 1.png an existing folder or add a new folder by clicking on Group 2.png + Add Library Folder.


Step 4: When inside the library folder, click on this +Add Library on the top right corner.



Step 5: Group 1.png Name your library and Group 2.png select the type of library you wish to create/add. Click on Group 3.png ADD, this will navigate you inside the newly created/added library.





4. How to use libraries

After creating a library, you can perform multiple actions:


Group 1.png gear.pngLibrary Settings

Once you click on the gear.png library settings icon. A window will pop-up (as shown below) so you can update your library information such as your library name, cover image, size range, color combos, and keywords.

Screenshot 2024-02-21 at 5.08.32 PM.png

Group 2.png filter-variant.png Filter cards

You and your team can easily locate a particular card using card name or keyword throughfilter-variant.png filter search
Screenshot 2024-02-21 at 5.12.37 PM.png

Group 3.png Options

Select the card(s) and click on the  option menu located on the top navigation bar. Then select an action that you would like to perform from the drop-down menu.

Screenshot 2024-02-21 at 5.16.34 PM.png

Group 7.png sort-variant.png Sort cards

Click on this sort-variant.pngsort icon located on top of the library and select a sort option from the drop-down options. 
Screenshot 2024-02-21 at 5.19.39 PM.png

Group 6.png Add new cards 

Click on the  Group 6.png  + Add material or + Add measurement, + Add sketch (depending on the type library you've added) 





5. How to add or delete cards in libraries


5a. How to add cards in a library:

There are three different ways to add cards in any library- 


Add through the library shortcut:

Step 1: Open a techpack/product and click on the library icon Vector__Stroke___1_.png located on the top navigation bar.

Step 2: Click on Path_2.png to pick a library you wish to add cards in. If you don't have one yet, here's how to add a new library

2b. To access the card library from the Library Shortcut (1).gif


Step 3: Select card(s) from your techpack/product and drag them by clicking on the drag_and_drop.png icon and drop them into your library as shown in the gif below.

gif 1.gif


Step 4: A window called column mapping should pop out.


Column mapping helps in manually choosing the relevant data columns associated with the cards when moving them from techpack/product to libraries and keep your techpack/product data organized. You can learn all about it here.

Screenshot 2024-02-22 at 10.59.45 AM.png


Step 5: Once you have mapped the columns click on copy cards. Your cards will successfully be copied to the selected library.


You can only add cards to their corresponding library type. For eg. You can only add Sketch cards into Sketch libraries and material cards to material libraries etc.


Add through the library page:

Step 1: To open your Library page Group 1.png Click on this menu.png icon located on the top-left of your screen and Group 2.png Choose the libraries option. 


Step 2: When inside the library page, you can see the folders you have access to. Click on any folder to see the list of libraries inside that folder.



Step 3: Select a library you want to add cards to.




Step 4: Now there are three ways you can add cards in your library here - 


Option 1: You can bulk upload your images in a library by simply dragging them in from your computer as shown below. PLMBR will create/add a card for each file added.


Option 2: You can also add new card by clicking on the + Add sketch, + Add material or + Add measurement, as per their corresponding library type as shown in the screenshot below. 


Option 3: Lastly, you can even import your cards from an Excel file. The file has to be in a CSV format with all your table information.

Click here to download a sample CSV file format.

Before creating a library by importing a CSV.
Make sure that your library has no cards and is completely blank.


Step 1: Click on this open_in_browser.png import from csv icon located on the top-right of your library.


Step 2: Browse and select the .csv file you wish to upload and click open

You can use this excel template to update your material table data before importing it on PLMBR.


Step 3:This screen will pop-up where you will select the information from your CSV file you wish to include.

  • Under Source you will see the names of the columns from your CSV file
  • Under Destination, you will select and match the relevant columns where your table data should go.
  • For e.g. if in your .csv a column in called CARD TITLE, then in the destination area you should also match it with  Alphabet-a.png CARD TITLE.
  • In case you wish to hide a certain column in your library, you can click on this images.png icon to hide a column as shown above Alphabet-b.png. Your data will be imported, but just won't be visible. You can always unhide that column late through the column manager
  • Alphabet-c__1_.png You can switch any column to color column using the palette.png icon.
  • Alphabet-d.png Check Group.png the columns you would like to show in your material table. 


  • Alphabet-e.png You can preview the columns and the order of the final table after you have made all the changes. 
  • F.png Click on the "Import CSV" icon to import the table with the final changes made by you.


5b. How to delete cards in a library:

Step 1: Open a techpack/product and click on the library icon Vector__Stroke___1_.png located on the top navigation bar.

Step 2: Click on Path_2.png to see the drop-down library panel from the right where you can choose which library you wish to delete cards from.

2b. To access the card library from the Library Shortcut (1).gif


Step 3: Click on the  option located on the right side and click on edit library. You will be redirected to a page where you can delete cards in your library.


Step 4: Select the cards you would like to delete

Step 5: Click on the  option located on the right side of your screen. Click on the Delete option and you can now delete your selected cards from the library as shown in the gif below.gif 2.gif


You can also archive your cards if you want to unarchive the cards later.

gif 3.gif



6. How to edit and delete libraries

6a. How to edit a library:

Step 1: Open a techpack/product and click on the library icon Vector__Stroke___1_.png located on the top navigation bar.

Step 2: Click on Path_2.png to see the drop-down library panel from the right where you can choose which library you wish to edit.

2b. To access the card library from the Library Shortcut (1).gif


Step 3: Click on the  option located on the right side and click on edit library. You will be redirected to a page where you can edit your library.



6b. How to delete a library:

Step 1: Group 1.png Click on this menu.png icon located on the top-left of your screen to open the drop-down menu.

Step 2: Group 2.png Choose the libraries option. 


Step 3: When inside the library page, you can see the folders you have access to. Click on any folder to see the list of libraries inside that folder.



Step 4: Select a library or libraries you want to add delete.

Screenshot 2024-02-22 at 11.38.45 AM.png


Step 5: Click on the  option menu located on the top navigation bar. Then select delete from the drop-down menu.

Screenshot_2024-02-22_at_11_41_20 AM.png




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