At any time, you or your team members can reuse the measurements table in multiple techpacks/products to avoid spending time entering the same information over and again.
In this article, you'll learn how you can reuse your measurement section as templates through the libraries feature:-
Who can use this feature?
PLM premium and PLM professional
Admins and Supervisors
Step 1: From your techpack board page/product workspace, click on this library icon located on the top navigation bar. Your library pane will slide out from the right.
Step 2: Now you will add a new library here to store your measurement cards. To do that, click on this
menu option located on the right side of the screen and select Create/Add library.
Step 3: In this pop-up dialogue name your new library and select measurement
as the card type that you'll be saving here. Click on the create/add button.
You need to make sure you select the same type of library corresponding to your card type (sketch, measurement, or materials)
Step 4: Select your Measurement cards from any techpack/product and simply drag and drop them into your new library. A window called column mapping should pop out.
Column mapping helps in manually choosing the relevant data columns associated with the cards when moving them between libraries and destination and keep your techpack/product data organized. You can learn all about it here.
Step 5: Your new measurement cards library is now ready for you and your team members to use in their new or existing techpacks/products.
To reuse the cards, select the library and drag all or selected cards into any techpacks/products.
Now that you know how to reuse your measurement section, you can also save your materials and reuse them on other techpacks/products. Here's how it works.