How to add a techpack/product

  • Updated



Once you finalize setting up your PLMBR account you will be directed to the Home page.

Step 1 - Add a new folder

In the dashboard, click on the "+ ADD FOLDER" button to add a new custom folder. This will allow you to organize your tech packs/products efficiently.



A new custom folder will be created. Click open to be directed to the Techpack dashboard page/ Products page associated with that folder.




Step 2 - Add a new techpack/product

On the Techpack dashboard page/ Products page, locate the button labeled "+ Add new techpack/product" This button is situated under any of the three default stages provided by PLMBR.




Stages let you and your team track the progress of your techpacks/products during product development. You can edit or add these stages at any time. Learn more about stages here.  

You have the flexibility to switch between three different views, conveniently located in the top right corner:

  • stage.png Stage view
  • gridn.png Grid view
  • listn.png List view

With just a simple click, you can effortlessly transition between these viewing options to suit your preference and work style.






Step 3 - Techpack/Product settings

Your techpack/product settings will pop-up (as shown below) so you can introduce the basic information such as design title, cover image, size range, color combos, etc. 




Start by adding your Techpack/Product cover info-

  • image1.png Techpack/Product Design title.
  • image2.png Design description.
  • image8.png A flat sketch or an image of your design that will also serve as the cover image of your techpack/product in the preview.
  • Alphabet-d.png Clicking here reveals two new features. You can rotate your cover image, 90° at a time, and also bin.png delete.


When done continue to sizes.


To easily navigate across the settings you can switch to tabs mode by clicking on this Combined_Shape.png icon as shown below




Step 4 -  Size settings

In this section, you will enter the sizing information of your design.


  • image1.png Enter the Size-range of your design here. You may enter your sizes manually (i.e., one-by-one) in the Custom size field or choose from the default sizes provided above. Click add /add all to select the sizes .
  • image2.png Select your Sample size.
  • image8.png Select your preferred Units of measurement between Inches or centimeters for your tech pack/product. You can also set a default unit for your entire organization's tech packs/products via organization settings. 


Click on the Colors tab when done. 



Step 5 - Color settings

Similar to the size settings, in this section, you will enter the color details of your design.



  • image1.png Enter the Color-range of your design here. You may enter your sizes manually (i.e., one-by-one) in the Custom size field or choose from the default sizes provided above.
  • image2.png Select your Sample color.


Click on the Keywords tab to continue.



Step 6 - Add keywords

Adding keywords to your design techpack/product:



Keywords work similarly to social media hashtags. They help you and your team easily locate a particular techpack/product throughfilter-variant.png filter search. You can add your own custom keywords based on season, details, silhouette, factory name, etc, and keep all your tech packs/products organized within the same folder. 

Keywords are also helpful to generate company-wide reports. Learn how




Step 7 - Custom fields 

Adding custom fields to your design techpack/product:



The techpack/product custom fields brings uniformity and consistency within all the techpacks/products while adding key products details. Techpack/Product custom fields data is used when you generate a line sheet report .

However, you can easily add your own custom fields through your organization settings.




Step 8 - Add Time tracking

Make sure when you add any techpack/product, you assign a stage to it. Click on this article to see how's it done.

Time tracking is a feature you can use to plan and monitor the progress of your techpacks/products. You can set up your planned start and end dates for every stage of a techpack/product.

To track and get an overview of your product's development progress, you can add completion progress in percentages (%) format for each techpack/product stage. Here's how this works - 

  • Click on the + plus icon located next to your stages. 



  • A time track window will pop-up
  •  Click on this download__1_.png dropdown icon adjacent to planned row and set your start and end dates.
  •  Click the save button.



The actual start/end dates are auto-updated once you move a tech pack/product from one stage to another. This means you don't have to enter them manually. However, you also have the option to manually update the actual start and end dates. Read more about how to update actual dates.


That's it! Your techpack/product settings are now complete. You can edit them anytime by clicking on the gear-icon gear icon located on top of your techpack/product preview card.


Finish by clicking "done" or anywhere outside the pop-up area. Your new techpack/product will now be ready on your techpack dashbaord/products page. Click on the techpack/product to continue editing or adding design details as cards.

Next Up:
How to add cards in your first techpack/product?→ 

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